Slade send 'em Krazy

- as only they can





slade 1973 Bristol Coslton HallWhat can you say? They could have come on stage and stood still for an hour and still have had their fans screaming for more.

But Slade, riding high on a wave of fan hysteria didn't take the easy way out. There was to be no half hearted approach to this, their second Bristol concert in a year.

An oppressively hot June night is really not the best of conditions to crowd into a concert hall to watch one of the most explosive acts around.



Yet Slade made it clear from the start there was to be no letting up. Singer Noddy Holder slammed into action with that amazing voice of his the moment the group stepped on stage and for 60 minutes a solid wall of sound filled the hall.

Incredibly, they were even louder than last time, but as before they could not ne faulted in the way they belted out the numbers that have made them the Britain's top group.

All their chart topping numbers were there in a show that was almost identical to their earlier Bristol one. The only addition was their new single " Squeeze Me" similar vein to all the others.



But it doesn't matter that Slade's music seems to follow the same riffs each time, it's their personalities that count. Couple this with some tremendous audience participation techniques -- football chants, stamping and yelling - and you've got a fantastic, exciting stage act.



Article courtesy of Chris Selby/Rocking The Boat